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April Board Minutes 2022

April Board Minutes 2022

Posted on: May 18th, 2022   Topic: Board Minutes
Board Meeting Minutes

April 6, 2022

Edmond, OK

10:00 A.M.



Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by President West.


Flag Salute/ Invocation:

Roll Call The roll was called with the following members present West, Devereaux, Head, Mitchell, Bowling, Kelley, Dougherty, Weir, Bryant, Sander, Reeve, Janz.


Approval of Minutes:  Noted change to Edmond OK, Motion Reeve, Second Sander, Motion passed


Introduction of Guests: Sheriff’s Ledbetter, Amason, Dodd, Yow, Undersheriff Williams


Guest Speaker: None


Agenda Items: SE Regional Chairman Position. The board voted to reverse Sheriff Turners decision after careful consideration of the OSA Bylaws. The Bylaws had no provision that would allow Sheriff Head to move to the Regional Chairman position. Sheriff Head retains his position as SE Board Member and the position for Regional Chairman would be opened back up. It was at that time one of the candidates withdrew his name leaving only one candidate for the position. Motion to reverse Sheriff Turners decision by Sheriff Sander, seconded by Janz Motion passed.


NSA Conference Scholarships:  Only two Sheriffs made a request to receive the NSA Conference scholarship. Sheriff Turner and Sheriff Bryant. Motion to award scholarships was made by Sander, Seconded by Janz, Motion passed.


Sheriffs Picnic: St Crispin’s reported back that it would be difficult for them to have enough staff on hand to handle our picnic this year. No other options were selected. Motion to cancel the 2022 picnic made by Bryant, Seconded by Sander, Motion passed.


Discussion Items

  • Legislative Update: Director McNair and Mike Maxwell provided a legislative update.
  • OSA Newsletter: The OSA has just released its first Qtr newsletter. There email was sent to over 5000 citizens across the state along with all Active Members.


  • OSA Training Update: Training Director Keller gave an update on training being made available thru the OSA. He also gave an update on the Statewide DIDET grant.


Executive Session

  • NONE


Old Business

  • NONE


New Business


  • NONE


Secretary/Treasurer Report:

  • No report provided. All of the monthly reports were provided to the Executive Committee


Regional Chairman Report:

  • North Central Region: Meeting held. Next meeting Stables sponsored by CTC
  • Southeast Region: Meeting sponsored by Turnkey. Next meeting sponsored by NCIC
  • South Central Region: Meeting was at Foggy Bottom Kitchen at Lake Murray sponsored by Prodigy. Next meeting Jakes Ribs in Chickasha sponsored by Geo Safe and Nobel Systems.
  • Northwest Region: Meeting held at Lucille’s in Weatherford. Next meeting is in Ellis County Hosted by Ellis County Sheriff’s Office.
  • Southwest Region: Meeting at Golden Corral in Lawton sponsored by Next meeting will be at Golden Corral sponsored by CTC.
  • Northeast Region: Meeting at Country Cottage in Locust Grove sponsored by Prodigy. Next meeting Rowans restaurant in Stillwell OK sponsored by Geo Safe.



  • Sheriff Bryant motioned to adjourn meeting, Seconded by Sander. Motion Passed.


Sheriff – Pottawatomie County – Sheriff Mike Booth Video

Sheriff Mike Booth has been serving Pottawatomie County since 2009 and is the current President of the OSA.



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