Sheriffs Appreciation Rodeo Night

Sheriffs Appreciation Rodeo Night

Posted on: October 26th, 2023   Topic: OSA News

The Reed Ballroom was transformed into something short of Gilleys in Texas for Sheriffs Appreciation Night. It featured a mechanical bull, calf roping and rodeo on the big screens. It was a great time to celebrate the hard work and dedication the Sheriffs of this state show for their counties every day. It was a fun, lighthearted night full of music, dancing and enjoying time together with one another outside of work.

The cornhole tournament was a highlight of the evening, with teams fiercely competing for the top spot. The venue was filled with cheers and laughter as players aimed their bags onto the board. But the night had more in store than just cornhole. Some of the attendees tried their hand at roping and rodeo activities, while others displayed their singing talents with karaoke .

As the night drew to a close, we gathered around to enjoy the music of the talented Jake Christian. His melodies filled the air, and everyone swayed to the beat. It was the perfect end to an unforgettable evening, and a fitting tribute to our hardworking sheriffs. We left feeling grateful for the opportunity to come together and celebrate, and eager to put our newly acquired skills into practice.

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Sheriff Damon Deveraux shares with us the day that Deputy Sheriff David James Wade was killed in the line of duty from gunfire while serving an eviction notice.



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